Thursday 21 February 2013

Here comes the cold again...brrrrrr

Make sure you have emptied your drinkers tonight, I've just been out to put the birds to bed and most of ours were half frozen already! Quite impressed with my Call Ducks...they actually put themselves to bed tonight, usually I have to chase around the garden after the apricot/saxony ones!, even the Turkeys went to bed on their own...Must be the cold!.

Not much chickeny going on here today, just a bit of cleaning out and moving the white and salmon Pekins as they like to jump the fence into the buff's pen. Polands seem to have settled in well, hopefully won't be too long before they're in lay. Need to stop turning Incubator 1 tonight and add water to get the humidity up, hopefully they'll be pipping on Saturday. I'll be picking up a lavender and a black Pekin hens on Monday, both very much needed to add to our breeding groups.

Spent a lot of the afternoon working on designing the website for my wife, I've got the final ideas now, just need to put them into place. I'm aiming to have it all done by the end of next week. I've also added the new groups to our website Horndean Hens

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