Tuesday 26 February 2013

Incubator 1 set, Incubator 2 candled

Well, as mentioned yesterday, I set Incubator 1 again last night. the list is:

9 Buff Pekin
4 Black Pekin
3 Lavender Pekin
5 Cuckoo Pekin
1 Silver Partridge Pekin
1 Gold Partridge Pekin
1 Mystery Pekin (was in the box with the Blues and Silver Birchin Pekins when I got back from Salisbury last weekend)
2 Millifluer Pekin (although I'm starting to think one of the OEG crept in there pen as there was a small gap between the pens that the OEG could get through
1 Light Sussex Bantam
3 White Yokohama Bantams

And today, I have added 1 Black Mottled Pekin (first egg laid by them this year).

I candled incubator 2 today, took 4 eggs out that seemed to have stop developing around day 6 or 7, they were: 1 Crele Pekin, 1 Silver Sebright, 1 Gold Dutch and 1 Buff Pekin.

I should be getting around 40 Growers on Friday Evening, so will have pics on here on Saturday, once they're all sorted out. Will also be baby sitter trios of Silver Dorkings and Croad Langshans, as I will be taking these to auction for someone in March,

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