Sunday 17 February 2013

Sunday.....Day of rest. I don't think so!

Had a busy day today, built a home for the Mandarins with the few bits of scrap wood I had lying around, it's not brilliant, but it's up high enough for them and hopefully they'll use it.

Other than that, mainly been cleaning out today. Just put the youngest chicks on shavings (I used rubber non slip mats for the first dew days), so they're happy scratching around in it. I took a few more photo's of some of the new birds.

Quite good on the egg front today, had an egg from the new Gold Partridge Pekin girl, The Silver Partridge and also one of the Yokohama Bantam girls, these are all being saved for incubator 1 when it's free in about a weeks time.

 I've just updated my accounts and the website, so that's it for chicken stuff today, I'm going to start work on designing a website for my wife, as her writing is really starting to take off with over 5000 of her stories downloaded in just over a month and a similar number of visitors to her blog:

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