Sunday 24 February 2013

Chicks...bloody loads of 'em

Well, so far incubator one has yielded 25 chicks with one more to go (cheeping in the shell), everything that lasted to day 18 has hatched apart from 2 Legbars (Crele Pekin still to hatch), have moved them all down to the brooder in the shed and had a count up, we currently have 63 chicks in 4 groups ranging from day old to just over 7 weeks, obviously this will thin out next week as I should be able to sex the 4 week old Pekins and the 7 week old Old English Game Bantams are up for sale (6 girls and 1 boy). Next hatch is due on March 7th, so that's 11 days time, by which time, the 7 week olds will be outside and the 2 week old will be replacing them in their brooder, leaving brooder number 1 free for the next hatch...It's all a big chick merry-go-round.

Cleaned out the other 3 brooders today and also the Call Ducks house. Only had 2 eggs today though, 1 Cuckoo Pekin and 1 Black Pekin, still....I've got around 30 ready to go in the incubator tomorrow or Tuesday including 3 from our Yokohama Bantams :)

Done more work on my wife's website today, it's really starting to take shape now and on target to be completed by the end of the week.

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