Thursday 28 February 2013

Expensive day in the Horndean Hens household :(

Today was certainly not my favourite day of the year so far....We just forked out for a new washing machine after ours decided to die last week and we're starting to run out of clothes...Still, it's all be delivered, I've plumbed it in and we're on our second wash now, so look forward to not worrying that I've not got many socks left or thinking of doing some hand washing!..Just to top the day off, with today being the last day of the month, I've made sure all our business accounts are up to date, and I'm affraid to say, that for the first month since Horndean Hens became a  legitimate full time business, we have made an operating loss (of course, over the tax year, it's not going to be much of a loss, but a loss all the same), 2 things I blame on this. 1. Our success over November and December had left us is very little stock to sell. 2. Spending £200 on bids for our breeding groups in the last 4 weeks has certainly turned a small profit into a small loss.

On the chicken front, we've now moved the Cuckoo Pekins outside, leaving us with 2 spare cages on the shed for young growers. Not much else done really and nothing new laying, although it does look like the Red Pekin will be coming into lay soon.

Will be picking up around 40 youngsters tomorrow evening, so Saturday will be a day or sorting them out, deciding what we're keeping and assessing and advertising any that are ready to be sold, so look at for a few adverts over the weekend.

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