Thursday 7 February 2013

Even quieter "chicken" day!

Pretty much had a chicken free day today. Apart from letting them out, feeding, checking for eggs and putting to bed, I've not done any chicken things. Until this evening!. I have just candled the eggs in Incubator 1 and it appears that nearly all of them are fertile, there is 2 that I am not sure about, 1 sablepoot and 1 legbar, but at the moment, it looks like 31 out of 33 is developing, so rather pleased with that. It also means my black pekins are doing the business :)  

My wife has published her latest book on Amazon: you can find it at:

As mentioned before, we are giving away 10 copies to readers of the Horndean Hens blog in return for an honest review on the Amazon site. The book retails at $3.99 (£2.62) and is aimed at children aged 8 to 13. If you'd like to review this book, please send an email to with the word "book" in the title and we shall send you a copy of the eBook by return email. You just need the free Amazon Kindle App installed to read this eBook, unless of course you have a real kindle!

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