Monday 11 February 2013

9 out, 9 to go

 The incubator 2 hatch is going well, so far we have 9 hatched and 9 to go (bear in mind, eggs were put in for 2 days after I first set it!. From the top of my head, I think it's 2 cuckoo Pekins, 2 Buff Pekins, 2 Welsummer Bantams, 1 Light Sussex Bantam, 1 Legbar and 1 White Pekin. Still got 4 Welsummer Bantams, 1 Cuckoo Pekin, 2 Sablepoots, 1 Yokohama and (I think) a Light Sussex Bantam.

Ordered some Gold Dutch Hatching eggs yesterday, so they'll be going in the incubator once this hatch is done. We have a few of our pekin and sablepoot eggs to go in too.  Also should have some Serama eggs to go in there too
Had a bit of a surprise this evening when I went to put the birds to bed, one of my young Light Sussex Bantams (who are tiny)  laid an egg!,,,even more surprised, as I'm sure it was the one I was thinking was starting to look a bit like a cockerel (will post pics tomorrow). Weather has been total crap again today, snow for most of the day...Luckily, it didn't lay, but needless to say that I've been having a lazy day again today. No doubt I'll end up paying for it by working my arse off to catch up once the weather gets better.

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