Monday 4 February 2013

2 new breeding groups :)

We picked up our Poland cockerel today and a nice chappy he is too :) He is very happy in with his new wife. Hopefully won't be long before we're getting eggs form them, Mark also delivered our gorgeous blue Pekin cockerel, I am so delighted with him. Have put him with a splash girl, so should get a mix of splash and blue babies from them.

Also got 8 Cream Legbar eggs to fertility test for Jackie today, so the incubator is now overbrimming!. I also added a Black, Buff and Crele Pekin egg today.

I candled incubator 2 last night and all seems to be developing well and due to hatch in a weeks time.


  1. I am so happy that my boy has got a new home...Maybe I can have one of his babies...??

    Thank you and happy breeding


  2. The first girl from them is yours :), it's the least I can do for such a gorgeous boy :)
