Monday 25 February 2013

Last chick out and 2 new Pekins :)

Woke up this morning to the last chick cheeping away in incubator 1, it hadn't even pipped last night when I went to sleep, to must have had an electric power egg tooth or something! It's another Crele Pekin, but only time will tell whether it's Crele or Gold Partridge, as with our pair, you should get 50% of each.

Also picked up 2 new Pekins today, both rather sweet, one lavender and one black. I've got to say thanks to Lou for bringing them this way for us. They've both settled in well and seem happy :)

 Eggs seem scarce again at the moment, wonder if it's to do with this cold weather we've been having again? All I got today was 2 Buff Pekin, 1 Cuckoo Pekin and a Light Sussex bantam (who hasn't laid for 3 weeks!). We also have another Call Duck egg, so have now put our trusty Silver Partridge Pekin in with some pot eggs to see if we can get her broody again, as the Pekin we put in already didn't seem interested at all and just wanted to get out. At least with the one we have in there now, we know she's been laying eggs this season and did briefly go broody until we broke her, so hopefully she will again and she'll hatch some Calls for us.

Incubator 1 is now cleaned out, disinfected, turned on and warming up ready to set some more eggs tonight. We have 30 to go in there, all Pekin except 3 of our Yokohama Bantam and the Light Sussex that laid today

I shall put a full list of what's going in there tomorrow (probably be one or 2 more eggs then)

Been working on the other halves website again today and it's nearly done now, just a few more pieces and it'll be ready to put online once we get the domain up and running :)

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