Tuesday 5 February 2013

All quiet on the chicken front today

Not much to report on the chickens today, been a very quiet day, just cleaned out the buff and columbian Pekins. Also sold the last 2 hybrids last night. Took some pics of our 4 week old chicks today, looks like it's about half and half girls and boys.

 Think this one is a girl - Old English Game Bantam

Boy - Old English Game Bantam

 Girl - Old English Game Bantam

Wyandotte bantam - Not sure, but given how thick it's legs are, I'd say it's probably a boy

On a non chickeny note, my wife has a fantastic vampire short story available for download on Amazon for free. Please download and read, I think you'll enjoy it. Also we would very much appreciate it if you would leave a review for it on Amazon. You don't need a kindle to read it, you can install the free app for pc, mac, iphone and android form the Amazon website.


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