Tuesday 29 January 2013

Yet another miserable day

All I seem to do is sit here and moan about the weather, well it's been one of them days today, driving rain at times and gale force winds. Hopefully the winds haven't caused too much damage to your chicken set up, we've so far had one roof panel ripped off the lavender pekins run overnight, but that's the only damage so far...hopefully, it will be the only damage!

Not been outside much at all today, with the weather and sorting out my new laptop (which I am writing this on now). As a used laptop, I had to install my own o/s (windows xp pro), and like a child in a sweetie shop, I was rushing around downloading and installing all the programs I use, without first installing any protection, so needless to say, I paid the price by picking up a nasty virus which I couldn't get rid off and ended up having to reformat and start all over again..A LOT MORE CAUTIOUSLY this time!

Anyway, the only chicken news from me today is that one of the wyandottes in Incubator 1 has just started to pip and I've challenged myself to leave it alone and not open the incubator until they've hatched...something I've never managed to do in years of hatching....I still get the same buzz now as I did when you first see a little slimy dinosaur looking thing come out of an egg, and within an hour or so, transform into the cutest little fluff balls.

Thought I'd post some pics tonight of some of the lovely birds we've had in the past, as you know, we can't keep every breed we'd like, so we have to move some breeds on to make room for others

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