Saturday 12 January 2013

What hideous weather!!!

Well the garden resembles the everglades more than a poultry farm!, so much water everywhere. It hasn't stopped raining all night last night and all day today,. Needless to say, the chickens aren't impressed!

We managed to lose our keys yesterday, so never cleaned the shed and cages in there because we couldn't go and get shavings..4 very stressful hours later, the keys turn up...grrrrrr

So, managed to clean the shed today!

On a couple of brighter notes, we got our new Lemon Millifluer Sablepoot cockerel yesterday and he certainly seems more of a man than our previous one, which is currently keeping out sebright cockerel company.

Also our Cream Legbar hen laid her first egg yesterday :)

AND....Our cuckoo pekin laid today also :)

Need to stop turning the incubator tonight and add water, we only add water on the last 3 days), so all eggs being laid now are being saved up to put in there sometime next week

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