Wednesday 16 January 2013

It's freeeeeeeeezing!!!!!!!

Hope most of you are snuggled up in front of the fire indoors, it's certainly a bit on the chilly side today!.

The last chicks hatched last night, so all 4 are now out in the brooder under the lovely heat lamp....think I'll have to make a battery operated heat lamp that fits in a hat!

I have to clean out the columbian, millifluer, buff and gold partridge pekins today, not looking forward to it. Also tempted to move some of the birds out of the shed, but I think I'll wait until Sunday, as I'm hoping to get a couple of new groups over the weekend and will have to work out where they'll all go.

I'm also on a mission to find some silver Friesian Fowl, not sure if there are any in this country, if there is I haven't found them yet, so will be looking into importing some eggs from Germany or Holland. If anyone knows more about these beautiful birds, please get in touch.

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