Monday 28 January 2013

what's that in the crele pekins cage???

Obviously, I spoke to soon yesterday. When I went to check the birds in the shed last night, what did I find in the crele pekins cage?...after almost 3 weeks without one from then, there was an egg!! maybe I won't quite be putting them outside just yet. I am currently collecting eggs for the next batch in incubator 1 later this week. So far, it's mainly cuckoo pekin, light sussex bantam and sablepoots, would be nice for the legbar to lay us another egg or 2 before setting though!.

 My new laptop (well a secondhand one) has just arrived, so no hopefully, I won't have to keep getting on the kids computers when they're at school and moaning at the other half to get on the computer in the evening.....oh the joys of having an author for a wife.

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