Sunday 27 January 2013

I think the cold weather has killed off my few remaining brain cells!!!

Well, I checked the calander this morning to see when I needed to stop turn the eggs in incubator number 1, thinking they were due at the weekend and it turns out that they're due to hatch on the Wednesday!, so I've stopped turning now and added water to put the humidity up. We have 15 eggs in there still, really hoping to get a good hatch from them, especially the silkies and crele pekins.

I have been planning to move a few more birds around during the week to make room for others, so the millifluer pekins will be moved and there pen is big enough for the hybrids I'm getting next week. Thinking of putting the Crele pekins outside too, as they don't really seem to be laying much (like nothing at all now!).

Nothing else to report, so I'll just add a few more random pics of some of our birds

Looks like the deal to swap the Indian Game and the Shamo hen, so if anyone wants them, please get in touch

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