Saturday 26 January 2013

Incubator number 2. the candling results!

Candled incubator 2 today (day 5), and am pleased to say that quite a few were fertile. a couple of the cuckoo pekin, 5 definate welsummer bantam (although hard to tell due to the darker shells), white and buff pekin. light sussex bantam and the legbar egg. The Yokohama's need another day or 2 to see if they're fertile yet. Very pleased that one of the 4 sablepoot eggs was fertile, that means the new cock bird isdoing his job :). Hopefully I'll have lots of eggs from my pair to put in Incubator 1 next weekend when the current lot have hatched.

The sablepoot egg I put under the broody silver partridge pekin hen was clear, so I've thrown that out and will try to break her and get her laying eggs again asap .

Have moved the OEG bantams out of the shed into their new house today, and moved the cuckoo pekin have moved down into the hutch the OEG were in, so the cage the cuckoo pekins were in is now ready to be used as a brooder next week (if you can follow all that!)

Managed to get all upto date with the cleaning today (it's amazing what a bit of sun and no snow on the ground can do!!!).

New birds are now coming tomorrow and I'm also on the lookout for a white crested polish cockerel, as the boy from the pair I was getting, sadly met his fate with a rat :(.. Should have the girl sometime next week.

The new issue of Practical Poultry came in the post today, so that's something for me to read after dinner and having a bath, as I have finished the William Monk series of books I was reading now (next one isn't out until April) and started to read the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series from the same author (Anne Perry), but just can't seem to get into it)

Anyway, enough rambling for today, I'm starving

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