Thursday 24 January 2013

Day 14 in incubator 1

Have just candled the eggs in incubator 1 (the Brinsea Octagon 20), all I'm pleased to say that all the eggs that passed the first week are all developing well, apart from the indian game egg which to me looks like it died around day 10. Se we have white silkies (desperate for these to hatch as we lost our girl :(), Lav and Crele Pekin, Light Sussex Bantam and Wyandotte Bantam. 15 eggs in there.

Have sorted out a deal to swap my Indian Game + a couple of others for 2 Ancona Hens, 1 Black Pekin, 1 Legbar and a couple of hybrids. If all goes to plan, I'll put photo's of them on here tomorrow :)

Managed to get out and clean quite a few of the houses today, plan to do the rest tomorrow

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