Monday 14 January 2013

It's snowing

Well, woke up this morning to a blanket of snow....great, despite my warning to you all the other day, I forgot to empty the drinkers last night...luckily, they weren't frozen!

The chickens didn't seem to mind, but my wussy call ducks wouldn't come out of their house for an hour...eventually they did once the snow started metling

Luckily for me, I've not got much to do today or tomorrow, my weekly clean starts on Wednesday and carries on until Sunday. The eggs in the other incubator...all 4 of them!, have started to pip, both oeg have internally pipped and both pekin have externally pipped, it'll be interesting to see what colour the mixed pekin comes out...probably black!

The new Sablepoot cockerel seems to have settled in well and appears to be doing his job..fingers crossed for some fertile eggs soon!...I'll be candling the eggs I set on Thursday sometime this evening, but I'm not hopeful that the 'poot' eggs won't be clear.

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