Monday 21 January 2013

Another monday and snow is turning to ice!

Still very white out there, but a lot more slippery now though, so be careful if you're out and about.

Manage to clean out a few of the houses today, still have plenty more to do tomorrow!

The OEG chick's are doing well, coming up to 3 weeks now (I think) and we have a nice variety of colours...just hope there's plenty of girls:

There's also a blue wyandotte bantam and the chick that hatched last week in there too, all get along happily together :)

The Welsummer bantam eggs arrived today, so have just put the incubator on to warm up and will be putting them + whatever we have in there this evening. I know I have some cuckoo pekin, light sussex bantam, legbar, sablepoot eggs, can't remember what else I have collected in the last week. Would be nice if more birds came into lay (namely my friesian fowl), but I guess this weather isn't doing any favours with that :(

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