Monday 17 March 2014

Spring is sprung and things are on the up :)

Well, what a week of glorious weather we have had, the birds are all certainly enjoying having some sun on their backs....and so am I :)

We have recently been offered space on a farm to keep our breeding groups, which is great news, as we can now expand our groups and have more breeds to offer. The last week has been very busy setting up the new pens, moving birds to the farm and getting them settled in. It is very much a work in progress and will be fine tuning for months to come.
Both Charmain and I would like to say a very special thank you to Hugh and Sally for allowing us to keep our breeding groups on their farm and for all their help and support with setting things up.

More and more of the ducks are starting to come into lay now, I have just put some Saxony and Runner eggs in the incubator to test fertility, we are now only waiting for the Muscovy, Cayuga and Pekins to start laying.

I think it's safe to say it is going to be a very busy spring and summer and I for one am looking forward to getting stuck in and making Petersfield Poultry better than ever.

Charmains latest book, Vampire: Child of Destiny is doing extremely well with sales going better than expected in both eBook and Paperback. The first book in the series is still achieving 4000-5000 downloads per month too

For news on Charmain, please visit