Friday 20 December 2013

I can't believe it's been 5 months since the last update :O

 As the titles say...5 months!!!, I don't know where the time has gone.. Well I do actually, We we moved here, we decided that this year we would concentrate and making the facilities better, so we're ready to hit 2014 running. 

We have built a new hatchery and brooding shed, which is also doubling up as winter breeding pens for some of our bantams. 

We also invested in a new incubator to improve hatch rates and numbers of eggs set at once, so now we can set up to 100 eggs at a time plus 20 duck eggs in a separate incubator. Although in reality, we will probably only set up to a maximum of 50 eggs per setting.

we have also built 3 roofed pens, which can be divided to a maximum of 6 pens to house our growing stock.

We have also started to take a very keen interest in ornamental wildfowl and now have an area to accommodate our pairs of Mandarin, Carolina, Ringed Teal, Red Crested Pochard and Fulvous Whistling ducks, which we hope to breed from this year.

Everything is now set up and we're all ready for 2014, having plenty of stock available for the spring orders. All we really need now is some of our ducks to start laying, so we'll have some ducklings available too.

I have just updated the website with our latest list of available stock, which I aim to update as often as needed.
There's no really much more to tell you on the poultry front, but my wife has had an extremely successful year with her writing, which includes a number 1 best seller with "The Lust for Blood" and the first in a series of historical vampire series "Vampire - In the Beginning" of which the second novel of the series is due to be published in the first quarter of 2014.  For more information on Charmains working, please visit which I shall be updating in the coming weeks.

Al that is left to say is a big thank you to our customers and friends and to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a hatchingly good new year :)